1. Generate a booking on engineears.com/alexteulings and choose the package you want
  2. Make the payment or downpayment
  3. Upload your stems as WAV files to alexteulings.wetransfer.com as well as your rough mix/reference
  4. Once Alex has completed a first version he will upload it to the EngineEars booking
  5. Then you are able to A/B the mix with the rough mix/reference
  6. When ready approve the mix or master / or request another revision
  7. Then if you have opted for a master as well, Alex will send the masters / or resend the mixes upon request of another revision
  8. If you are happy, approve the tracks and Alex will upload the final files for download on EngineEars
  9. If you can spare a minute please leave a review on Alex’s profile

    Thank you for choosing Alex Teulings

Book me on EngineEars

Upload your stems to here